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gitlas.core Module

This is the core module responsible for the inner workings of the gitlas package. gitlas does not have any external dependencies.

Modules Imported

gitlas makes use of python standard library and imports the following three libraries

imports from python standard library

  • json : For JSON export capabilities.
  • re : For matching re patterns in the log files.
  • datetime : For Conversion of date/time data.

Class Descriptions in gitlas.core module

1. Class gitlas.core.Commit :

The gitlas.core.Commit class is basically a barebones class which is used internally for storing properties of a single git commit which makes it easier to access and manage commit data.

Base Methods in gitlas.core.Commit

  Method name
1. Constructor (__init__) method
2. setattr (__setattr__) method
3. getattr (__getattr__) method
4. delattr (__delattr__) method

Properties stored in gitlas.core.Commit

  Property Name DataType
1. author [str]
2. authorEmail [str]
3. comment [str]
4. time [str]
5. date [str]
6. day [str]
7. year [str]
8. month [str]
9. timezone [str]
10. hashid [str]
11. isMerger [Boolean]

More Properties can be added or changed on calling setattr() method
All Properties except isMerger are stored as strings (The date time objects are converted from string later when they are required .)

2. Class gitlas.core.Log :

gitlas.core.Log is the main class where the logfile is filtered ,Seperated as indivisual commits and stored as Commit objects. There are some utility statistics methods available as well.

Base Methods in gitlas.core.Log

  Method name
1. Constructor (__init__) method
2. setattr (__setattr__) method
3. getattr (__getattr__) method
4. delattr (__delattr__) method
5. string (__str__) method
6. representation (__repr_) method

StatInfo Methods in gitlas.core.Log

  Method name
1. mergeCounts()
2. commitCounts()
3. specificWeekDayStats()
4. activeDevelopmentDuration()
5. singleMonthStats()
6. yearStats()
7. authorStats()

Properties stored in gitlas.core.Log

  Property Name DataType
1. commits [list]
2. filename [str]
3. type [str]

using commit as first word in a comment message

The Bug originates from the fact that re matches the word 'commit' and then stores the hash value associated to it however if the comment message also has commit word as first word gtilas may fail to recognize the commit and may cause trouble.

Functions in gitlas.core module

These are some functions available for working with git Log data and many of them are used internally within the package.

Functions Available in gitlas.core

  Function Name Description
1. monthNumberSwap Generates the month number based on the shorhand name of the month.
2. datetimeConvertor Converts raw date/time data into an object of datetime class.
3. joinString This method joins a list of strings to a input string.returns a string object.
4. JSONEncoder Encodes Log/CommitObject Data into the JSON format. However do note that only Commit/Log objects are supported.
5. JSONExport Exports the Object data as an JSON file to save the object permanantely.
6. analyzeDataOverall Analyzes all data in different Parameters.