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Category 0 : Matrix DataType

pyrix.matrix.matrixData Class Reference

This is the primary data object in pyrix/Matrix and pyrix/BinaryMatrix.
MatrixData includes a ton of meta-Data which allows for enhanced Features,Performance and Computational Savings. A Dynamic Memoization Technique is also integrated in performance critical areas of the library ,however there are at times where the data memoized becomes outdated and hence needs to be recalculated to maintain Integrity and accuracy of calculations.

Pyrix(Python Implementation) Balances these two aspects and has been implemented from scratch in python V3 only . With a vision of Python based web Applications in mind dataTypes used are JSON friendly.
Once Again these properties have been listed along for a good reference.

  Property Description
1. nrow [int] Number of Rows
2. ncol [int] Number of Columns
3. dimensions [list] list format of nrow,ncol together
4. data [list] All the Matrix Values stored in nested-list format
5. invertibility [Boolean] returns True if matrix is invertible ,default-value=None
6. determinant [int] stores determinant value,default-value=None
7. singular [Boolean] returns False if matrix is invertible ,default-value=None
8. eigenvals [list] list of eigen values
9. eigenvects [list] list of eigen vectors
10. rank [int] stores the rank of the matrix
11. triangularity [int] returns 2 for upperT. ,1 for lowerT.,0 for No Triangularity
12. binaryMatrix [Boolean] returns True if binary matrix//reserved for binary matrix class
13. singularvalue [int/float] returns singular value,None By default
14. orthogonalMatrix [Boolean] returns True if matrix is orthogonal in nature
15. minor [list] contains minor values,By default None
16. listifieddata [list] contains all the data values in a flattened list
17. classType [str] defines the type of pyrix/matrix implementation(occours in inheriting classes)
18. symmetry [Boolean] True for symmetrical,None by default,False otherwise

Last update: December 3, 2020